It’s great, to introduce this formula to find the Days for the 10,000 years. You can calculate the day by mentally
Day formula→ (D+M+Y+[y/4]) mod 7
Here, D= Date
Y= year’s last two digits
Y/4= year’s last two digit divide by 4 and the quotient (if decimal, consider the integer only)

Example: 1
Let us take my Friend’s Birth Day 30-05-2011
Day =(D+M+Y+[y/4])mod 7
=(30+2+11+[2])mod 7
=45 mod 7 (Divide 48 by 7 then the remainder 3).
= Remainder 3
Hence, my Son’s Birthday on Monday
(Note: The Birth year is more than 2000, therefore, consider the table -2 and category -2)
Step 1: Date (30)
Step 2: For the month of May Number identifies form the Table-1(2)
Step 3: Birth year of last two digits (11)
Step 4: Birth year last two digits divide by 4 and take only the quotient to leave the remainder
Step 5: Sum of all the number (30+2+11+2) and divide by 7,
Compare to the Table-2 with remainder and find the Day [45/7 then the remainder is 3, therefore, the Day is Monday]
Example: 2
Let us see, for the date 14/07/2019 is on which day
Day= (D+M+Y+[y/4]) mod 7
= (14+0+19+[4])mod 7
= (37/7 and the remainder is 2]
Compare to the Table-2 with remainder and find the Day [37/7 then the remainder is 2, therefore, the Day is Sunday]
the Day is Sunday
Exercise: 1
Zambia Independence Day is On 24 October 1964 If 24th October falls on which day?